Madhu Vani 

Dr. Manohar K. N. has launched a new quarterly newsletter called "MadhuVani." This newsletter aims to provide the latest updates in the field of diabetes and metabolism. It will feature discussions and sharing of interesting cases encountered in our daily medical practice. Additionally, we encourage readers to participate in social activities within their local communities and share the details, along with accompanying pictures, which will be showcased in the newsletter. To add a touch of enjoyment, we will also include quizzes and other fun facts in each edition.

First of the activities is a Quarterly Newsletter which  was released in the auspicious hands of Dr Munichoodappa, the Founder member of National RSSDI, alongside the presence of Dr Basavanagowdappa H, who is the Founder President of Karnataka state chapter of RSSDI.

The General Council members stood witness to the proud moment. 

Dr Hem Kumar T R has been nominated as the Chief Editor for the newsletter. 


MADHUVANI-E01 2023.pdf